Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Diet / Exercise Progress

So I found a scale at work, so hopefully things will be more accurate. Its a fancy type that they have at the Doctor's office.

Eating: Not doing good, but not eating as much. I'm eating the same food, but just less of it which I think is a good start. A drastic change might cause my body to hold all it's lardness.

Exercise: Used the new hyper extension thing and it seems to work. I'm realizing time is a problem though. I'm just going to need to pack my exercise into a specified time every day. Maybe I can figure out how to get up earlier. That would require me to go to bed on time...that never seems to happen.

Orginal: 190
Current: 184

Time on my quest: 6 days

1 comment:

Thompson Family said...

Good job so far honey!! Just let me know what I can do to help you